The Best Chicken Roost [Chicken Perch & Bar]

by Elaine Gaertner
Last Updated: 18/08/2020
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What is a Chicken Roost?

A chicken roost or perching bar is what a chicken would use to sleep upon at night; quite similar to a tree branch in the wild. Chickens love to roost on the highest part of the coop but you can place a chicken roost anywhere.

Roosting is almost a natural instinct for the birds. That is why; many chicken farmers place roosting bars, perches, swings, and ladders inside their backyard coop. Chicken roosts can be of different types – and many products are available in the market. You can even make DIY chicken roosts using a few wooden bars and ropes.

Ideal Chicken Roost Dimensions, Materials, and Shapes

What to look for in Chicken Roost Designs?

Size and shape

Research shows that chickens do have preferences when it comes to roosting materials, size, and shape. Most birds seem to want round roosts, although many also love bars, swings, and ladders. It isn’t surprising to see chickens even using their nesting boxes to roost upon.

Larger roost bars are always better since they allow several birds to roost simultaneously. The diameter of the bar should ideally be more than 2 inches so that the hens can maintain their balance better and also get a better grip.


The material of the roost should be all-natural, non-toxic, and food-grade. Wood is the best and in that too, one can select unfinished wood. This lets the birds scratch on it and doing so automatically trims their sharp nails and beaks. Note that some birds can be quite picky and prefer smoother surfaces for roosting upon and may find unfinished wooden surfaces rather uncomfortable.

Avoid roosts with plastic parts, nails, glue, or other toxic materials in it. If you choose products with beads or other bells and whistles; ensure that the birds won’t peck or swallow these tiny parts.

DIY chicken roost tips

Basic chicken roost consists of a raised bar that lets the birds sleep comfortably upon them. Chickens love sleeping in the highest part of the coop as it makes them feel safer.

If you are going in for DIY chicken roost ideas, then use the following tips:

  • Build the roost at equal levels using a cross design so that they intersect at right angles.
  • 2”x2” battens work well as roosts but make sure that you round off the edges.
  • Make the roost bar removable for easy cleanup.
  • Allow for at least 8” of horizontal roosting space per birds with 12” height.
  • A great deal of droppings will accumulate under the roosts, so have a well-designed, easy-to-clean floor or place a drawer underneath.

Best Chicken Roost

1. Precision Pet Chicken Roosting Bar

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Precision chicken roost bar is ready-to-assemble roost bar that can be added to coops and pens. Your chickens will love perching on the bar which will offer a sense of comfort and added security.


The roosting bar measures 24.2x4x1.1 inches. It weighs less than 15 ounces.


Precision Pet roosting perch bar is made using all-natural material like soft pine wood. Chickens love playing on it. 


  • Easy to assemble and clean
  • Portable
  • All-natural material that is safe and non-toxic to chickens
  • Perfect for baby chicks and smaller birds


  • Unfinished wooden material may need some water-proof coating
  • Not for older birds/larger hens

2. Vehomy Chicken Roost Stand



Chickens have a natural tendency to roost and a roost stand is the next best option to a roost bar or a roost ladder. Vehomy wooden chicken perch stand or roost stand is made using safe, all-natural, and non-toxic materials.

It is sturdy and can even be used by birds of other species like parrots, macaws, etc. Regular use of perches and roosting bars can strengthen your birds’ legs; they are safe to chew and naturally trim down sharp claws and beaks.


This chicken roost stand measures 15.75 inches. The triangle supports are 5.71 inches in height and 6.42 inches in base width.


Vehomy chicken perches are comprised of all-natural, food-grade, non-toxic, and sanitary wood and quartz sand materials. Moreover, there are no dangerous glues, wires, or plastic parts that could injure the birds.


  • Safe materials; non-toxic, food-grade and devoid of glues/wires/chemicals
  • Sturdy and durable perch
  • The size is perfect for small, medium, and large species of domesticated birds, poultry fowl, etc
  • Easy to install; each roosting stand comes with all the necessary parts needed to assemble it.
  • Challenges your birds and keeps them mentally and physically active and fit.


  • Some birds refused to use it
  • Wood tends to splinter sometimes
  • More suitable for baby chicks than larger hens.

3. Lanermoon Chicken Roost/Swing



Lanermoon chicken roost also functions as a perch toy and swing that encourages young and old birds to roost upon. It is colourful, made with non-toxic materials, and also suitable for parrots and other pet birds to play upon.


Lanermoon chicken roost swing is 18.5 inches in height and the perch itself measures 13.8 inches. The perch bar is about 1 inch thick. Weight of the swing is about 3.9 lb.


Lanermoon perch/ roost bar is made using 100% natural wood. The side handles consist of non-toxic coloured beads and sturdy hardware.


  • Durable and sturdy
  • Colourful and non-toxic swing /roost bar encourages birds to play. Humans can be greatly entertained watching their birds pump the swing and play on the roost bar.
  • Easy to assemble


  • Only meant for smaller birds/chicks.


If you keep backyard chickens, then your birds need a place to roost upon. You can always go the DIY way and build your own chicken roost. However, there are many products available in the market such as perch bars and swing toys that your birds can play as well as rest upon.

We hope that the above chicken roost ideas and products help you make an informed choice.

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