About Chook City

Our goal is to make Chook City the go to resource for people keeping backyard chickens, bees, and tending to their own garden.

About the Owner of Chook City: Suzie Mitro

Hi, my name is Suzie and I’m the founder and author of Chook City. I’m passionate about sustainable living, organic food, and natural living. I firmly believe that we should be connected to the food we eat and self sufficient in producing the food as much as possible.

In my large urban garden, I have many fruits and vegetables including tomatoes, cucumbers, figs, strawberries and much more.

I’m also a beekeeper and I keep chickens.

I share my story on this website by publishing articles and videos on gardening, beekeeping, and flock raising to encourage and inspire people around the world to grow their own food and keep and care for animals.


Elaine Gaertner

Thanks again for checking out the site. If you have any inquiries, please visit our contact page.